UX improvements
# general
Hi engineers, my company has been relying more and more on Avo, we love it, and I could use some help figuring out how to improve the UX for our ops team. We have a model which has a published/unpublished state and we are trying to add some friction to the editing when it's on the published state, we would like to either ask for confirmation when saving such model, and/or when opening the edit view or a last resource, add some form of visual indication on the edit view. We also wanna remove the ability to destroy published record but allow for destroying unpublished ones.
Hey @agreeable-jelly-60158. That’s great to hear that Avo is becoming more and more valuable to your organization. One mention; we have specific channels where we can ask questions and request features.
Having a confirmation procrss before saving could be a cool feature. We don’t have it yet. Would you mind opening an issue on our GitHub repo so we can track it? https://avo.cool/new-issue
You could achieve something similar by using an action on that resource which would update that field only
Regarding preventing that record from being saved if it’s published, you can do that using validation rules and a before_save hook (or simething similar)
Oh, I didn't realize, my bad. I don't use discord much and I didn't realize there are more channels than the ones in the menu.
I created a feature request at https://github.com/avo-hq/avo/issues/2843 as you suggested.
Yes, we do have an action for publishing and another for unpublishing. We don't wanna completely prevent published records from being edited, just create some friction to reduce human error. I'll add a new question to #1141725701549072486 around showing something visually on the edit view of published records.